

The Art of Ranching

Ranching isn’t typically what comes to mind when you hear the word art, but the participants in the Art of Ranching (AoR) program are unraveling the artistry behind traditional agriculture in Routt county, and now, across the state, through storytelling.

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Art as Medicine

Some of the most individualistic countries in the world—such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia—are now turning to community-driven solutions to heal. As the rates of social isolation, depression, and anxiety rise globally, it’s becoming clear that medication alone isn’t enough. Traditional pills often target one system in the body, but social prescribing addresses multiple systems at once, releasing neurochemicals, hormones, and endorphins that help people heal (w)holistically.

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Creative Nonprofits

Art in the Park, the Steamboat Symphony Orchestra, The Players and more. Routt County is a small community with an abundance of arts and cultural organizations, but who does what and why does it matter?

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Rising Tide

There’s a new nonprofit in town that’s raising eyebrows, stepping on toes and doing work that’s already been done—or at least, that’s the rumor.

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