
by Elizabeth King
This article originally appeared in the Winter 2023 issue of Art with Altitude.

“Humans love to put things in boxes. We like neat and tidy ideas. We want right and wrong, good and bad,” says Hannah Kauffman explaining the theme, “justice” for SPEAK 2024, an event hosted by Advocates of Routt County (an organization that supports and empowers all people impacted by sexual violence and abusive relationships; while disrupting all systems that tolerate and perpetuate such violence). But, she goes on to say “justice is more complicated than we imagine.” This April, the local community will gather to share performance art such as stories, songs, dance and comedy routines surrounding the theme.

“Justice is a major topic that we talk about daily both with clients and community partners,” says Hannah, one of the event’s organizers. Justice is more complex than law and order, she says. Justice isn’t always what’s fair or ethical. “It looks different to different people based on a whole host of factors.” And, while we often like to believe that justice is blind, it is a complex and controversial concept where sometimes harm for one occurs in order to respond justly for another.

While the idea of community-created justice has been a strong influence since the days of the old West, this year’s event brings justice meted out not through duels or cattle rings, but  through words and collective understanding. A justice that is about looking back to look forward, finding healing within each other, and the search for restorative justice.

Last year,  the second year Advocates hosted the event, the theme was “belonging”. “Human beings crave community. A sense of belonging enriches our lives and has lifelong benefits for our wellness.” Hannah said of the theme choice. Seven community members shared their words on belonging at the event, which focused on embracing the differences in the community as the path to create true belonging.  

SPEAK is an annual fundraiser hosted by Advocates during Sexual Assault Awareness month. The event, which began in 2016 and was hosted by The Young Bloods Collective, was started to create space for women to talk about topics that are difficult or taboo, taking inspiration from The Vagina Monologues and 2 Dope Queens (a popular podcast turned TV show). Now, SPEAK lifts the voices of people of all identities in the Yampa Valley region. “It’s a personal and uplifting experience,” said Hannah

Elevate the Arts: Watch for the annual SPEAK event in April at The Westerly or plan to participate by sharing your story of complexity, controversy, contradiction or justice. Find out more at advocatesrc.org 

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